Joel Brown’s 4 Powerful Dimensions of Success | Joel Brown

In 2011, Joel Brown, now Founder of the widely popular motivation website, was working as a salesman in the corporate world. The Chief Operating Officer of the company he was working for invited Joel to an intimate workshop where he came across the “Wolf of Wall Street”, Jordan Belfort.

Meeting Jordan was Joel’s first experience to a person that challenged him on his vision. Joel was told that his purpose was the intersect between “what he was good at”, “what he loved doing”, and “what solution he would love to bring to the world”. That night, Addicted2Success was born and it came due to an intersection of Joel’s expertise in marketing/networking, his love for reading books by a myriad of influencers like Tony Robbins, and his solution which he conceived as sharing the knowledge he learnt from his experiences in the music industry, corporate world, and even as a snake handler in the north west of the Australian desert.

Today, Addicted2Success stands as the world’s premier motivational website receiving over 120 million views in the last six years, and having over 2.2 million social followers across various platforms. Like his company, Joel has also grown into becoming a person that speaks globally on self development and developing a successful brand online, and an avid philanthropist. He will be featured in four documentaries this year including “RiseUp” and “THINK” alongside behemoths like Tony Robbins, Dwight Howard, The Dalai Lama, Jack Canfield, and Bob Proctor.

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped” – Tony Robbins

When I asked Joel what he credited his success to, with no hesitation he said “self development”. To Joel, self development is a constant journey an individual takes to fill the gap between who they currently are and who they could potentially become. Joel has interviewed over 100 successful individuals from Gary Vaynerchuk to Deepak Chopra.

In doing so, he has discovered an underlying pattern of abilities these successful individuals posses and this discovery led Joel to create four dimensions of success that directly affect self-development in every human being. Joel puts these dimensions to work in his own life in the form of his coaching program.

Dimension #1: Values

Values present individuals with a compass in life and by virtue, they guide you. If you do not operate by your values (I.e. you go by someone else’s definition of success), you will have a difficulty in achieving your full potential. Your values can encompass anything from business and fitness to charity and family. Joel believes that people should strive to figure out their top three to four values as by doing so, they can tie their goals to their values. For example, one of Joel’s top values is self-development (contribution).

When Joel went about building a business he simply implemented an element in the business’s culture that served to service and contribute to others which only drove him more to work at building and growing the business. Joel believes that motivation comes from external sources and thus is not as sustainable as inspiration which is intrinsic and comes from a hunger to succeed. That hunger can come about when you link your values to your goals. It’s just not as simple as reading quotes on positivity.

Dimension #2: Beliefs

Joel equates beliefs to being ready and that in order to succeed you have to believe in yourself but more importantly have an unwavering belief that whatever you want to achieve is possible whether that be a business you wish to build, or a record you wish to break. Joel’s favourite story is of a man who had an unwavering belief to build his business that despite being turned down by 302 banks for financing, he continued to strive towards his vision. That man was Walt Disney. To succeed, one must stack their empowering beliefs over their limiting beliefs.

Joel recognizes that humans tend to default to the negative, and due to this recognition he believes that in order to counter act those limitations, we have to focus as often as possible on what we believe is true and possible.

Dimension #3: Habits

Joel equates habits to being willing to change your own life before you change others. Habits are daily actions that can get you closer to success. They can range from actions as small as twenty minutes of meditation to reading three books a week.

To think that you will change as a person overnight is absurd, but to think that your willingness to change in itself is a sign of success is empowering. After all, habits are powerful and if you choose unhealthy habits they can act as a detriment to your success. Joel sums it up best: habits will make or break you.

Dimension #4: Skills

The last dimension is skills and Joel equates this to ability but not just the ability to perform technical tasks but also to excel emotionally (i.e. great communication, becoming self aware).

In the world we live in, Joel recognizes the plethora of online resources from webinars to podcasts that are at our disposal. However, simply reading many books or watching a lot of videos is not enough. It can provide foundational knowledge but in order to get to understanding the intricacies of your subject or industry, you need to surround yourself with people that have your desired skills. Joel loves that Elon Musk when he started SpaceX surrounded himself with the world’s best rocket scientists and picked their minds for hours daily.

So great, you’ve read these four dimensions and some of you might even be feeling motivated and ready to go. Now what? Joel believes that there is no real self development without action. In life, Joel has strived to acquire wisdom and he believes the only way to transform your knowledge and understanding into wisdom is through action.

“At any given time, you are either moving closer to or further away from success.” – Joel Brown